Cannot deploy to newly created environment

Hi Paul,

We recently created a new environment and added servers to it with roles that match the step roles for our project. The project has numerous releases already deployed to the existing environments. Since we had new settings we modified the variables (new environment name showed up there) created a new release for the project. When we tried to deploy it to that environment though the name didn’t show up as an available environment to deploy to. Is there something we missed, or is this a bug? We’re on version



Hi Dan,

If the project is in a project group, your project group might have a limit to the environments the project is allowed to deploy to. You can edit the project group on the Projects tab.


Hi Paul,

That was it, thanks! Minor bug on the opposite side then, in the variables drop-down that environment was still available and sorting by the environment column doesn’t actually sort by that column if you leave the tab and come back.

Thanks again,