Can we get a filter on the environments page?

We are on version 3.11.11 and now we are adding more tenants and machines it’s becoming difficult to recall which machines are ties to which tenant.
We’d really like to be able to filter the machines on the Environment tab to be able to restrict by tenant. Also, a list of associated machines on the Tenant would be very useful.

Hi Richard,

Thanks for getting in touch! We do have some ideas and plans to make this better, but we have had to juggle priorities, and sadly we haven’t been able to execute on this as yet.

Here is one issue you might like to comment on and let me know what you think:

Longer term we are fully committed to add more searching and filtering capabilities for the Environments area, along with the rest of Octopus.

Hope that helps!

Hi Richard,

I forgot to mention another option. There is also a browser extension with some community contributed ideas, like environment filtering:

Perhaps you’ll find it useful in the meantime?

Hope that helps!