Can I fail a deployment where there is an octostache error?

Is there any way to tell Octopus to fail a deployment where it sees an error, such a not being able to find a value for a variable which would cause an octostache error.

Nine times out of ten my cloud service deployments which are missing a variable start up OK so the deployment shows as successful but they lack connectivity so are broken.

Hi Mark,

Thanks for getting in touch! Unfortunately there isn’t anything in Octopus that would do what you are looking for. That being said the idea looks like a useful feature so it would great if you could describe your ideal solution on UserVoice. In this way we can have a broader conversation with other users and come up with a great solution.



Hi Pawel:
Looks like it’s already there

Happy to add more if needed.

Hi Mark,

Feel free to add a comment if what’s there doesn’t fully describe what you are looking for.

