Everyone’s upgrade requirements are different. Some customers I work with want to be on the latest version always. They automate a process to check our website once a day. Other customers only want to upgrade when they need to. Others want to stay on LTS. Some want the fast lane, but the last release of a major version (2019.1.11 instead of 2019.2.2).
HA adds another layer of complexity. TL;DR; it is something we have discussed but other items have been taking precedence.
In this process I am going to walk through how you can have one Octopus Deploy instance upgrade another instance. In this case, I am using an Octopus Cloud instance to upgrade my self-hosted instance running on my hypervisor in my home office.
On all my nodes on the self-hosted instance I installed a tentacle. The tentacles are used by the cloud instance. One of the tentacles is marked “Primary” while all the other ones are marked secondary.
In my Octopus Cloud instance, I created a new environment called “Maintenance.” I then created a new lifecycle which only has one environment in it, maintenance.
Please note: if you are using 2019.11 or higher, you should use runbooks instead of creating a new lifecycle.
I installed tentacles on the HA Nodes on my local infrastructure. For the main node (Octo01), I assigned it the roles HAServer-Primary and HAServer. On all other nodes, I assigned the roles HAServer and HAServer-Secondary (currently just Octo02). All nodes were assigned to the Maintenance environment.
My process checks a hot folder on a file share. I download an MSI and place it into that folder. I did this so I could download EAP releases from our build server when needed. After that first step, the process follows the same general rules we recommend when upgrading an HA server.
- Put server into maintenance mode. Maintenance mode is a DB setting. It will prevent any new tasks from being created by non-admins. It only needs to be done on the Primary node. The role is HAServer-Primary
- Drain and stop all nodes. Draining a node will stop any new task from being picked up. Stopping and draining nodes has to be done on all servers. The role is HAServer
- Backup SQL Server. It is database work. It only needs to be done on the Primary node. The role is HAServer-Primary. We have to stop the nodes because an upgrade could involve updating the database. I used the community step template “SQL - Backup Database” for this.
- Run the MSI on the primary node first. If there are any database changes to be made, we only want to run those changes once. The role is HAServer-Primary. The install will start up the Primary Node
- Run the MSI on all the secondary nodes. No database changes will occur with this install (they already happened). The role is HAServer-Secondary. The install will start up all the secondary nodes.
- Move the MSI out of the hot folder
- Take the server out of maintenance mode. Maintenance mode is a DB setting, it only needs to be done on the primary node. The role is HAServer-Primary.
Scripts for this process
Set Maintenance Mode
$OctopusAPIKey = $OctopusParameters["Global.Octopus.ApiKey"] ## API Key of someone who has rights to set maintenance mode
$header = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"
$header.Add("X-Octopus-ApiKey", $OctopusAPIKey)
$header.Add("X-HTTP-Method-Override", "PUT")
$rawRequest = @{
Id = "maintenance";
IsInMaintenanceMode = $True; ## Change this to false when you want to take out of maintenance mode
Links = @{
Self = "/api/maintenanceconfiguration";
$jsonRequest = $rawRequest | ConvertTo-Json
Write-Host "Sending in the request $jsonRequest"
$maintenanceUrl = "https://local.octopusdemos.app/api/maintenanceconfiguration"
Write-Host "Setting maintenance mode $maintenanceUrl"
$maintenanceResponse = Invoke-RestMethod $maintenanceUrl -Headers $header -Method POST -Body $jsonRequest
Write-Host "Maintenance's response: $maintenanceResponse"
Script to drain and stop nodes
Set-Location "${env:ProgramFiles}\Octopus Deploy\Octopus"
& .\octopus.server.exe node --instance="OctopusServer" --drain=true --wait=0 ##This will wait until all currently running tasks have finished
& .\octopus.server.exe service --instance="OctopusServer" --stop
Script to run the MSIs and take the instance out of drain mode
$upgradeMsiList = Get-ChildItem -Path \\\data\octopusupgrade\* -Include *.msi
foreach ($msi in $upgradeMsiList){
Write-Output "Installing MSI $msi"
$msiExitCode = (Start-Process -FilePath "msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList "/i $msi /quiet" -Wait -Passthru).ExitCode
Write-Output "Server MSI installer returned exit code $msiExitCode"
Set-Location "${env:ProgramFiles}\Octopus Deploy\Octopus"
& .\octopus.server.exe database --instance="OctopusServer" --upgrade
& .\octopus.server.exe service --instance="OctopusServer" --start
& .\octopus.server.exe node --instance="OctopusServer" --drain=false