Build Information repository view bug

we started using build information repository. When load more button is clicked, records are duplicated and not group by package id. To reproduce, you need to upload more package with different multiple versions.

We expect that package id records is not duplicated.
It looks like bug, not like feature :slight_smile:


Hey Piotr,

I believe what you’re describing is actually a known bug: Built-in Build Information Repository displays all records after clicking 'Load More' for packages with multiple versions, which should be nested beneath a parent record · Issue #7794 · OctopusDeploy/Issues · GitHub

Is that the behavior you’re seeing? If so you can follow that issue for updates.

Please let me know if that helps or if you have any other questions or concerns.


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Hello @jeremy.miller,
thanks for quick response.

This is exactly that bug.
I look forward to see solution.

Best regards


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