Azure Pipelines, Octopus Tools Installer Requires chmod

I’m working with Azure Pipelines running on an Ubuntu-18.04 hosted agent. I’ve added the Octopus Tools Installer task, using the embedded version of the tools. During my build, I attempt to execute commands using the CLI (.e.g. Octo pack) but I get permission denied errors.

In order to enable myself to run the CLI, I have to execute chmod +x /opt/hostedtoolcache/Octo/6.17.0/x64/Octo.

I would have expected that the tool be executable by default.

It would be nice if that were the case, or if some variable were exported that would allow me to know the location of the tool so that I don’t have to code it into my build process.

Hi @TonyCompton

Thanks for getting in touch - I’ll bring this up with our team and work on getting it fixed up ASAP. I’ll circle back around when I have any updates on this for you.

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