Hello all,
I need help.
I have transfered our local Octopus instance inside a VM on our own AWS Cloud.
Since that our external AWS ECR Feed doesn’t work.
Octopus Version: 2019.7.5
I have also installed aws-iam-authenticator, although this is not needed in the new version.
Proxy is configured and I have also access to our cloud from the VM.
I use the same credentials as on our old Server.
I do not currently know what I can check further.
Octopus Error Log:
System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException: Unable to retrieve AWS Authorization token:
One or more errors occurred.
at Octopus.Core.Packages.AwsElasticContainerRegistry.AwsElasticContainerRegistryCredentials.GetAuthorizationData(String accessKey, String secretKey, String region)
at Octopus.Core.Packages.AwsElasticContainerRegistry.AwsElasticContainerRegistryCredentials.RetrieveTempoaryCredentials(String accessKey, String secretKey, String region, Boolean bypassCache)
at Octopus.Core.Model.AwsElasticContainerRegistry.AwsElasticContainerRegistryFeed.get_AwsCredentials()
at Octopus.Core.Model.AwsElasticContainerRegistry.AwsElasticContainerRegistryFeed.get_FeedUri()
at FluentValidation.Internal.Extensions.<>c__DisplayClass9_0`2.b__0(Object x)
Thanks for help