It turns out we’d broken virtual directory support in 3.5.0.
Thanks very much for your prompt support requests (or we’d have had a much >larger issue on our hands).
We’ve just released version 3.5.1 to address these problems. Image and API urls >are now correctly resolved when Octopus Server is hosted using a virtual directory. >Please see the downloads page for the latest version.
Thanks for getting in touch. I’ve been able to reproduce this issue, it looks like a javascript regression bug that is causing the auto login to not trigger correctly for the Active Directory provider. I’ve created an issue that you can follow on GitHub, and hopefully we’ll be able to get it addressed in an upcoming patch release.
I meant to mention that your configuration steps looked correct (the googleApps and azureAD should be disabled by default, but making sure they’re disabled doesn’t hurt). Once the fix comes through you shouldn’t have anything further to do.