Authentication failed because the remote party has closed the transport stream

I have setup 2 new Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter machines. 1 with Octopus Server and another with Octopus Tentacle agent.

I’ve create a test project which has 1 step which is to deploy a powershell script, the script just opens notepad.

Octopus server shows that the release is deploying and the tentacle server throws Authentication failed because the remote party has closed the transport stream.

Could this be a setup issue. The only ports I have open on the firewall are 10933 and 80?

However the tentacle logs seem to be attempting to use ports 49473, 49475, 49474.

OctopusTentacle.txt (14 KB)

Hi Nick,

Thanks for getting in touch! The ports that you mentioned are the outbound ports that the Tentacle is using to talk to the Octopus server and they appear to be connecting fine.
It would help us to see the Octopus server logs as these appear to be cutting off the connection. You can find these logs at C:\Octopus\Logs\ in a standard installation on the Octopus server.
Hopefully that will help us get to the bottom of the problem.
