We have noticed an issue with the API response when you DELETE a project. Previously, this would return the details for the delete task, which could then be used to monitor the deletion task and ensure it was performed successfully.
After the upgrade to the current version (upgraded from 2.6.? to 3.2.21), the api is now returning an empty task object:
"Name": null,
"Description": null,
"Arguments": {},
"State": "Queued",
"Completed": "Queued...",
"QueueTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.000+00:00",
"StartTime": null,
"LastUpdatedTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.000+00:00",
"CompletedTime": null,
"ServerNode": null,
"Duration": "735,995 days",
"ErrorMessage": "",
"HasBeenPickedUpByProcessor": false,
"IsCompleted": false,
"FinishedSuccessfully": false,
"HasPendingInterruptions": false,
"CanRerun": true,
"HasWarningsOrErrors": false,
"Links": {
"Self": "/api/tasks/",
"Web": "/app#/tasks/",
"Raw": "/api/tasks//raw",
"Rerun": "/api/tasks/rerun/",
"Cancel": "/api/tasks//cancel",
"QueuedBehind": "/api/tasks//queued-behind{?skip}",
"Details": "/api/tasks//details{?verbose,tail}",
"Artifacts": "/api/artifacts",
"Interruptions": "/api/tasks"