API for project overviews

Hi Team,

Do we have an api to get the details about latest (only) releases information for all environments and tenants for a project.
I need this per tenant.

Means I need an api corresponding to this page :slight_smile:

I believe I found a way to do this.
projects :/api/ProjectGroups/ProjectGroups-21/projects
environments: /api/environments
tenants: /api/tenants
Get the latest details for tenant/env/project using: /api/Spaces-1/deployments?environments=Environments-82&tenants=Tenants-66&projects=Projects-38
Then use Links -> Release to find out the latest release

Please let me know if there is a better way.

Hi @Falcon_Francis,

Thanks for getting in touch! Great to hear you’ve managed to find a solution to this. Your query string looks good, and after some consideration I think that might be your best bet. :slight_smile:

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns moving forward!

Best regards,


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