API Documentation - details for arguments

I’m interested in invoking the health check of tentacles via the REST API and I’m following the guide from @Dalmiro for doing this. I’ve looked at the documentation via swaggerui, but I can’t see what arguments are available to me, except in his example where he uses the timeout and environment as arguments. I’d like to be able to invoke the health check by different filters for tentacles, e.g. environment or project etc. but would prefer to be able to work this out for myself by checking the documentation for available arguments etc. Thanks.

Hi Will,

Thanks for getting in touch! Are you referring to the sample script provided by Dalmiro at the following link?

In the network tab in your browser console, you can see the API call that’s made when performing tasks like health checks in the web portal. Besides Timeout and MachineIds, the only other argument present is OnlyTestConnection.

I hope this helps get you going! Let me know if you have any further questions or concerns moving forward.

Best regards,


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