The following error happened to different colleagues using our cloud instance when searching for variables in Project>Variables>Preview. Error always occurred while typing a string into search box at Preview tab.
**Top bar error:**
An unexpected error occurred in Octopus v2019.13.0: Minified React error #185; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.
* Error: Minified React error #185; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.
* ns (
* Object.enqueueSetState (
* t.S.setState (
* Object.onMeasured (
* t.componentDidMount (
* t.<computed> [as componentDidMount] (
* Cs (
* t.unstable_runWithPriority (
* Bo (
* xs (
**Error in the middle:**
An unexpected error occurred in Octopus v2019.13.0: "Error: Minified React error #185; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. "
* in t
* in div
* in div
* in div
* in Unknown
* in t
* in div
* in div
* in t
* in div
* in div
* in t
* in t
* in div
* in t
* in div
* in div
* in div
* in t
* in div
* in div
* in div
* in div
* in t
* in t
* in div
* in t
* in t
* in div
* in div
* in t
* in DragDropContext(t)
* in t
* in div
* in div
* in div
* in Unknown
* in div
* in t
* in div
* in div
* in n
* in n
* in Unknown
* in t
* in f
* in Unknown
* in t
* in t
* in t
* in t
* in n
* in t
* in t
* in t
* in t
* in t
* in div
* in div
* in main
* in div
* in div
* in MediaQuery
* in n
* in f
* in ForwardRef
* in MediaQuery
* in div
* in Unknown
* in withRouter()
* in main
* in Unknown
* in n
* in f
* in withRouter(Connect(n))
* in t
* in withRouter(t)
* in t
* in t
* in t
* in t
* in t
* in r
* in t
* in t
* in t
* in t
* in t
* in t
* in withRouter(t)
* in t
* in f
* in withRouter(Connect(t))
* in div
* in t
* in f
* in t
* in t
* in t
* in t
* in t
* in t
* in t
* in t
* in Unknown
* in t
* in f
* in f
* in f
* in t
* in Unknown