Acquire packages fails even if a step is disabled

I use Octopus 3.6.11.
I disabled two last steps in my process.
One of the steps was Deploy package.

However, the deployment fails because one of the first steps is a Deploy package step. And it seems it tries to acquire all packages inlcuding the one from disabled step.

[Octopus Deploy] Failed: Acquire packages
[21:19:24][Failed: Acquire packages] Acquiring packages
[21:19:24][Failed: Acquire packages] Making a list of packages to acquire
[21:19:24][Failed: Acquire packages] Delta compression is enabled for package transfers from the Octopus Server to deployment targets
[21:19:24][Failed: Acquire packages] Package *** was found in cache. No need to download.
[21:19:24][Failed: Acquire packages] Package *** was found in cache. No need to download.
[21:19:24][Failed: Acquire packages] Downloading *** to package cache…
[21:19:24][Failed: Acquire packages] The step failed: Activity failed with error 'The package *** could not be downloaded to the package cache from NuGet feed

Hi @grubyrychu,

Thanks for getting in touch!

That issue has been fixed in Octopus 3.8.0 as per GitHub issue 2997. I would recommend updating to the latest possible release that you can under your existing license as we are continually improving Octopus Deploy. If you’re not sure what you are qualified for please let me know and I will mark this conversation as private so we can discuss licensing.

As an example here is the list of changes that have been implemented between the release that you are on and latest.

Please let me know if you have any questions or if there is anything else that I can assist with!


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