A win-arm Tentacle for Windows IoT Core


I’m deploying out UWP applications and ASPNetCore websites to a number of RPis running Windows Iot Core, however I really would like a Tentacle for win-arm that would run correctly. Being able to run SSH scripts is great to deploy out, but I really want a listening tentacle that I can easily see the health of.

Is there anyway this platform and processor can be targeted and built out? Are tentacles closed source?



Hi Matt,

Thanks for getting in touch!

This is definitely something that we would like to do, it’s just a matter of finding time to setup the build and test chain to make sure that we are testing our builds.

Tentacle is currently closed source, so not something that you can do, but it is definitely only a matter of time before we get it done on this side, just a question of capacity.

Let me know if there is anything else I can help with!



Thanks for the response.

Would you be prepared to provide an untested alpha release :blush: ?

