Today I created a new Octopus Deploy server environment using the 3.5.2 release. I used a new, empty database. During the installation I specified the first admin user as my domain account. The install executed fine with no errors shown on screen. I can log in with my account but I’m not see any of the configuration options, only the dashboard.
I reinstalled/recreated the instance with standard user/pass auth and I was able to log in fine and see all options. I attempted to change from user/pass auth to AD auth using the example provided in the docs but ran into the same issue upon AD logon even with specifying my account as the admin user. I’ve converted back to user/pass auth for now.
We currently have an issue where we incorrectly matches the username of the user you set Octopus up with (in the wizard) to the user you logged in as in the web UI. Could you run the below commands on your Octopus Server and login using username@domain and see if that corrects the issue for you?
Octopus.Server.exe service --stop
Octopus.Server.exe configure --webAuthenticationMode=Domain
Octopus.Server.exe admin --username=YOURUSERNAME@YOURDOMAIN --email YOUREMAIL@DOMAIN
Octopus.Server.exe service --start
My sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused by this issue.
Thank you and best regards,
No problem. That worked thanks. I also had to flush my browser cache in order to see the domain logon option in my browser.
I have noticed a minor issue in domain mode which you may want to log an issue for on the backlog. It’s possible to submit no username or password and when you do (click sign in) you get back an ugly and non-informative error message (screenshot attached).
Yea, we’ve seen that the error message from non-forms based authentication are spitting out the JSON instead of the nicely formatter message, and this will be fixed in the next release that we will ship in the very near future.