2019.1.7 Slow healthcheck? OctopusServer.txt

I’ve noticed the healthcheck is quite slow, it’s not specific for the 2019.1.7 version though.

What I see in the log is typically two incidents for each type access for each server ex:
2019-02-18 16:19:26.5499 4932 13 INFO https://:10933/ 13 Secure connection established. Server at [::ffff:.24]:10933 identified by thumbprint: xx, using protocol Tls12
2019-02-18 16:19:26.5499 4932 13 INFO https://:10933/ 13 Secure connection established. Server at [::ffff:.24]:10933 identified by thumbprint: xx, using protocol Tls12
2019-02-18 16:19:26.5499 4932 15 INFO https://:10933/ 15 Secure connection established. Server at [::ffff:.31]:10933 identified by thumbprint: xx, using protocol Tls12
2019-02-18 16:19:26.5499 4932 15 INFO https://:10933/ 15 Secure connection established. Server at [::ffff:.31]:10933 identified by thumbprint: xx, using protocol Tls12

Is the double reports intended? Why does the server need to do an operation twice per client?
Especially the connection seem to be a rather expensive operation.

Hi Harald,

Thanks for getting in touch! I’m sorry to hear you’re hitting these slow health checks. I’m currently unable to determine the exact reason for this behavior - would you be willing to provide that full log to provide some additional context?

Are you using a custom script in the machine policy this server is using, and if so are you willing to provide it?
Are you experiencing any slowness executing deployments to this server?

I look forward to hearing back and getting to the bottom of this one!

Best regards,


I need a place to upload the OctopusServer.txt file for that to happen.

We’re not using a custom script in the machine policy.
Just the custom scripts that were defined by default:

Tentacle Endpoint Script Policy:

 $freeDiskSpaceThreshold = 5GB

  Try {
Get-WmiObject win32_LogicalDisk -ErrorAction Stop  | ? { ($_.DriveType -eq 3) -and ($_.FreeSpace -ne $null)} |  % { CheckDriveCapacity @{Name =$_.DeviceId; FreeSpace=$_.FreeSpace} }

} Catch [System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException] {
Get-WmiObject win32_Volume | ? { ($.DriveType -eq 3) -and ($.FreeSpace -ne $null) -and ($.DriveLetter -ne $null)} | % { CheckDriveCapacity @{Name =$.DriveLetter; FreeSpace=$.FreeSpace} }
Get-WmiObject Win32_MappedLogicalDisk | ? { ($
.FreeSpace -ne $null) -and ($.DeviceId -ne $null)} | % { CheckDriveCapacity @{Name =$.DeviceId; FreeSpace=$_.FreeSpace} }

The deployments does not seem to be slow, just the health checks.

The current machine policy:

Hi Harald,

Thanks for following up and providing that additional information. I apologize about not providing a secure location to upload your logs. You can either mark this thread as a private message, or email them to us at support at octopus dot com and I’ll pick it up from there.

I look forward to hearing back and looking more in depth at what’s causing this. :slight_smile:

Best regards,


Have you checked the logs sent to support@octopus.com dated 20.02.2019?
The subject is 2019.1.7 Slow healthcheck? OctopusServer.txt

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