Variable with value of null being deployed as "null"

Hey @cs-admin

Just jumping in for Patrick who is currently offline as part of our US based support team, I was actually testing this last night with another one of our support staff and they then did the handover with Patrick when he came online later that night.

I also tried Option 2 and if I put a value of null for my variable in the .json file and had the variable in Octopus set to no value, on deployment Octopus changed that value to "" in the config file.

Config file before the variable substitution:


Variable in Octopus without a value:

Config file after variable substitution:


We assumed this is not what you wanted since "" is still a string and is technically not a correct null value, are you saying that does work as intended then, from your previous answer it seems like this works for you and you are happy Option 2 is what you will use in future if you wanted to repeat this for another project?

If so that’s great we can close our discussions off our end but if you did need a correct null value we can do some more digging into this.

Kind Regards,

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