Target Actively Refuses Connection

Working through a project… the process runs without issues at the beginning on the target. Then there is a restart step, a 60s wait step, another step to wait for the deployment target registration and then another 60s wait. However the very next step after that seems to keep failing with the below error.

The step failed: Activity Chocolatey - Configure Admiral on ServerName failed with error ‘An error occurred when sending a request to ‘https://servername:10933/’, before the request could begin: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it [::ffff:]:10933 No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it [::ffff:]:10933’.

Starting the deployment over at step 1 does work until the same spot where it fails.
What issues could cause the tentacle to refuse connections mid deployment process?

This may have been fixed by making the second 60s wait into 120s.

Hi ObiWein,

Glad to hear you found a workaround. As you figured out it was likely just the machine was not back online yet. Here is an example of a good setup for reboots during a deployment: Link.
It may be helpful for you in the future. Have a great rest of your week.
