Octopus Tentacle - Read Remote identity failed

Hi @michal.wilanowski,

Just stepping in for Clare while she’s offline, cheers for confirming that and uploading the logs!

From a quick look it seems that you’re using a Polling Tentacle (port 10943) and I also saw the following error which does imply it’s I/O:

System.IO.EndOfStreamException: Attempted to read past the end of the stream
at Halibut.Transport.Protocol.ControlMessageReader.ReadControlMessage(Stream stream)

I’d like to double check if you are running Octopus in HA or just a single node? Are there any network appliances (e.g. LoadBalancers or Proxies) between Octopus and the Tentacle?

You don’t happen to be using Poling Tentacles over WebSockets do you? I recall an issue with SSL offloading but looking closer I don’t really think that’s what’s happening here: Halibut - Polling Tentacle WebSocket via LoadBalancer Error - The identity line was empty · Issue #7340 · OctopusDeploy/Issues · GitHub

I’d also like to double check if you are starting and stopping the instances via the Console UI or another method? Instance lifecycle - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

I find this post from our Solutions Engineers is great for outlining their recommendation with using ASG’s, which uses Lambda to remove the instance from Octopus when down-scaling: Using Octopus Deploy AWS Auto-Scaling Groups - #2 by Bob_Walker

The code for Halibut is public and this seems to be where the error is coming from, I noticed that it checks the NETFRAMEWORK value: Halibut/MessageExchangeStream.cs at 377a0e5d2d467fa9d3d045520e988264acace943 · OctopusDeploy/Halibut · GitHub

So could you please confirm which .NET version you have installed? Tentacle installation requirements - Octopus Deploy

We’ll look into reproducing this on our end and will keep you posted with any updates or questions!

Best Regards,