OctoPack error with XML files containing backquotes

We use Git and not TFS for our source control.

Also, the errors come from Microsoft DLLs that we are deploying ourselves
so we control which version of them we are using. Somehow having Octopack
installed for the various projects causes a build error with these DLLs
unless I set CopyLocal to false.

To summarize, leaving these DLLs as CopyLocal=True causes a build failure.
Switching them to CopyLocal=False completes the build, but then the DLLs
are not deployed properly.


Thanks John/Paul. If the issue’s not reproducible in VIsualStudio, it is very likely that Paul’s MSBuild-based command line above should reproduce it; i.e.:

MSBuild.exe YourSolution.sln /p:RunOctoPack=true /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release

If this does reproduce the issue on anyone’s machine, can you please:

a) Post the output from it, and
b) If at all possible, strip the solution/projects down to a minimal repro that can be emailed to us via support@?

Many thanks for sticking with it,

It appears deployonbuild=true parameter to MSBuild causes this - FYI

I also have this problem. I have a solution that has 3 webservices, two windows services and 2 websites, one with a silverlight app. I use the DevExpress controls, and have copylocal=true on these. When Octopack runs through TeamCity, it attempts to include the devexpress dlls and also the xml files. It borks on the xml files. If I set DeployOnBuild=false, the process succeeds, but in this case my configuration file transformations for all of the web apps does not occur.

What is the recommended approach to resolve this?

For config transforms make sure you have those set as in csproj and set to copy to your deployment directory. If you use deployonbuild=true (if I remember correctly) it does that automatically, but for octopack I needed .csproj to include those files in order to work correctly.

Hello fellow octodeployers
I’m getting a similar error during the octopack step. It errors when it sees a reference to a dll in the GAC. Copy local is set to false for that one, I don’t want it to be included in the package. I also tried to exclude it in the .nuspec (attached) but I still get the same error.

Target path ‘C:\Windows\assembly\GAC\ADODB\7.0.3300.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a\ADODB.dll’ contains invalid characters.

There was an error calling NuGet. Please see the output above for more details. Command line: ‘D:\TFS Distributed Task Agent_work\4\s\packages\OctoPack.\tools\NuGet.exe’ pack “D:\TFS Distributed Task Agent_work\4\s\obj\octopacking\DocumentumImage.nuspec” -NoPackageAnalysis -BasePath “D:\TFS Distributed Task Agent_work\4\s” -OutputDirectory “D:\TFS Distributed Task Agent_work\4\s\obj\octopacked” -Version 1.0.48518.01

BTW Great software! We’re all learning it here and we really like it.
John G.

example.nuspec (559 Bytes)