Octo website wont load after upgrading to 2020.3.1

Hey Brian,

Did you remove the slash at the end of the port?

http://localhost:88/{R:1} would need to be changed to http://localhost:88{R:1}

Had you tried that before you disabled IIS? Please let me know.


Everything is running fine again, but I’m not sure why.

From the documentation that I found, {R:1}, when matching a path of (.*) will not contain the / and thus :88/{R:1} is correct. This is the suggested rule in the Reverse Proxy template within IIS Manager as well.

After disabling IIS, I restarted it and disabled the ARR proxy. Unfortunately, this deleted my proxy rules. I then recreated the rules (for Octopus and TeamCity) and suddenly everything worked. As far as I know I didn’t change any setting in the rule.

Obviously this isn’t very helpful and I’m very surprised that this worked, so I suspect something more subtle is happening. Below is my config for the rule:

<rule name="octopus" stopProcessing="true">
        <match url="(.*)" />
                <add input="{HTTP_HOST}" pattern="octopushost\.com" />
        <action type="Rewrite" url="http://localhost:88/{R:1}" />

Hey Brian,

Thanks for all the information. I’m glad to hear it’s working now.

Please feel free to reach out if this crops up again. I will pass this along to our engineers.


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