Generic External Repository

Using linux docker image version 2020.6 (Build 4855) and I am wondering if there is a workaround for using a generic external repository such as Artifactory. What I wold like to do is get zip or tar package from an Artifactory generic repo rather than pushing a package to the internal Octopus repository. I see nuget, docker etc.
Thanks for the help!
Kind Regards,


Thanks for getting in touch!

You would be able to add an Artifactory in Octopus if you set the external feed type to ‘NuGet Feed’.

We have some documention on setting this up here - Artifactory Local NuGet repository - Octopus Deploy

Hopefully that helps point you in the right direction. Please let me know how you get on.


Thanks Stuart,
Will this work for GENERIC package (zip, tar) types as well? From my understanding this will use a nuget api to search for packages but here I want to look for and download a zip file.
I hope my question is clearer now.

I just tried it and I receive:


I’ve been digging a little further into this, and if you’re looking for a generic feed then it may be worth considering a Maven repository. We have a blog post here that may be useful. There was a similar question asked here that goes over the topic in detail.


Great that looks promising. I will give it a go now.

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