Can you have nested each with json variables

I am using Octopus 2020.1.0.
Is it possible to have nested #{each in var} loops using a json variable?

I would like to do something like this:
Given the json variable:
SiteDefinitions =

  "site1": { 
            "targetHostName": ""
            "rootPath": "sitecore/content/Site1"
            "dictionaryDomain": "Site1"
  "site2": { 
            "targetHostName": ""
            "rootPath": "sitecore/content/Site2"
            "dictionaryDomain": "Site2"

and the template:

	 #{each site in SiteDefinitions}
      <site name="#{site.Key}">
	   #{each attribute in site.Value}
        <patch:attribute name="attribute.Key">attribute.Value</patch:attribute>

I would like the result to end up like this:

<configuration xmlns:patch="">
      <site name="site1">
        <patch:attribute name="targetHostName"></patch:attribute>
        <patch:attribute name="rootPath">sitecore/content/Site1</patch:attribute>
        <patch:attribute name="dictionaryDomain">site1</patch:attribute>
      <site name="site2">
        <patch:attribute name="targetHostName"></patch:attribute>
        <patch:attribute name="rootPath">sitecore/content/Site2</patch:attribute>
        <patch:attribute name="dictionaryDomain">site2</patch:attribute>

So far it is not working. I have tried a couple of variations and none have worked.

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for the question!

This isn’t possible in the way you’ve mentioned right now. Would a variation on this solution work for you?


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