We are using the AspSiteMapProvider nuget package in our ASP.NET MVC project.
This can be used to create breadcrumb links on our pages.
The configuration for this package resides in a “Mvc.sitemap” file, which is just normal XML.
For our environments, we created transforms for our config files which are all being transformed succesfully by Octopus deploy.
Now we also want to do this for these *.sitemap files.
We’ve been able to do this through a MSBuild command to see if it would work, which it does.
We tried to add “mvc.sitemap” in the textbox for “Additional Transforms” in the Octopus configuration, without succes…
Is it even possible to pull this off? Transforming non *.config files with Octopus Deploy?
We did some tests during the Octopus evaluation and AFAIK files being transformed by Octopus must have .config extension.
Currently the files must have a .config extension (you could rename your file to end with .config, and then use PostDeploy.ps1 to remove the .config extension though).
We have a new feature that we’ll add soon that will be much more flexible - you can learn about it and add comments here:
Currently the files must have a .config extension (you could rename your file to end with .config, and then use PostDeploy.ps1 to remove the .config extension though).
We have a new feature that we’ll add soon that will be much more flexible - you can learn about it and add comments here:
Thanks you for the information. For the time being we decided to rename our xml files to config, but the new planned feature looks cool.
Thank you for the info Paul.
Will my case be possible with the new feature that is being worked on?
It’s not that clear for what I can make of it…
Yes, you would be able to write something like:
YourTransform.config, AnotherTransform.config => Mvc.sitemap
Owkay, got it now, thanks!
For the time being we’ll use your post deploy powershell suggestion…