Windows Service setup

I updated to version 2.0 ( and thought I’d try out the new features for installing windows services. Everything worked fine until I realized it started the service on one of our servers that has that service set to disabled.

I understand why it did it, but is there a way to tell it to not set the service to auto and to not start it if it’s already in a disabled state? For this service we want it installed on two servers but only have it running on one.


Hi Dan,

This is fixed in the current release versions. 2.0.10 is still an RC, jumping up a few builds should address a lot of small problems like this.


Are you guys going to release the 2.1 build soon? If so, I’ll just wait for it.

Hi Dan,

Yes, is should be out very soon (ideally this week if all goes well finalizing the MSI.)
