Why can't my developer delete a release?

I’m certain this is explainable, but in earlier version of 3.0.x, developers had the ability to delete a release. Sometime in later version of 3.0.x (I’m now running 3.1), the ability to delete a release for a developer disappeared. As an Administrator, I can still perform this action, but despite the developer having a role which contains the ReleaseDelete right, they still cannot delete.

Hi Shawn,

Thanks for reaching out. Would you mind sharing us the list of roles that developer has(see docs), along with a screenshot of the team configuration?

This would help us reproduce your exact scenario.



Project Lead for a specific project
Project Deployer for a specific project and scoped to all environments except Production

Hi Shawn,

Thanks for sending that information. This seems to be a bug when the Project with the “ReleaseDelete” permission is scoped to a speficif project. I’ve logged a github issue for this: https://github.com/OctopusDeploy/Issues/issues/2027


Could this also be the case for downloading NuGet packages from the Octopus NuGet repository? I have found that when a user has been scoped to specific projects, it will not allow them to download. I wasn’t sure if that was by design as there isn’t a way to associate NuGet packages to projects (other than choosing then within your process)

Hi Shawn,

Correct, as there’s no way to associate packages to projects, the user needs to be on a team that grants him rights to download the packages which is scoped to all projects.


That makes sense, I’ll give that a shot, thanks!

Shawn Sesna
Data Team supervisor/Configuration Manager
Department of Early Learning
P.O. Box 40970 | 505 Union Ave. S.E., Suite 300
Shawn.sesna@del.wa.govmailto:Shawn.sesna@del.wa.gov | Office: 360.407.1972 | Cell: 360.628.7202
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