Where do you store transformations on source control?

The project is deployed in house to many different clients.
I would not like to see a lot of web.Client-Env.config on my solution, is there a way to manage them ? Before octopus we used to have one folder for every client/environment (test, stage, prod).
How can i do that with octopus ?
One idea it comes to mind is to include all the environments config in OctoPack, and then run the transformation on one of
PreDeploy.ps1, Deploy.ps1, PostDeploy.ps1 ? If this is the right way, wich one ?

Thanks !

Hi Valerio,

I kind of have the same dilemma.
At the moment I have added separate folders per environment.

and so on.
We are using teamcity and the downside is that you have “publish” the web application and have a .nuspec instead of using the default Octopack logic to be able to include the files.

So in our .nuspec we do:

And as a PostDeploy.ps1 do some cleanup of all the transform files:
Remove-Item -.config
Remove-Item *.Release.config

Not the best solution though.

I submitted this pull request https://github.com/OctopusDeploy/OctoPack/pull/37 to make it easier to add such information to the pkg without cluttering the solution/project.