When using the Advanced Filters area in Tenants, if filtering by two different tag sets where the filter results will be zero, it shows all tenants, instead of none

When using the Advanced Filters area in Tenants, if filtering by two different tag sets where the filter results will be zero, it shows all tenants, instead of none. In our example, we have a “server stack” tag and a “publish wave” tag. Right now, nothing is set, so we show all the tenants we have (1120 tenants):

If I add a “server stack” tag, ex. OMS 1, it filters accordingly and tells us that we have 35 tenants that match:

If I add in the “publish wave” tag with a value that I know will cause the results to be zero, Octopus will show that all 1120 tenants match, when it should be 0 tenants match, since there are no tenants that are tagged with “OMS 1” and “OMS Prod Wave 1”. We would expect it to show that 0 tenants match and nothing show up on the right hand side.

If you have any questions or need more information, please let me know.

Matt Heinzelman

Hi Matt,

Thank you so much for the detailed description.

I’m going to reproduce this on my end and then, if I find the same results, I will raise a bug for our engineers to follow up.

Can I confirm what version of Octopus you are currently running?



Hi Dane,

You’re welcome and thanks for the reply! That sounds good to me. The version of Octopus we are running is 2020.4.6.

If you have any other questions, let me know.


Hi Matt,

A public github issue has been raised: https://github.com/OctopusDeploy/Issues/issues/6694
You can subscribe to this so you can follow along with any updates.



Thanks Dane for taking a look at this! Looking forward to a fix in the future.


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