Website trying to perform directory listing after install (403.14 error)

I recently followed the instructions to set up octopus and when I visited the site on localhost I received a 403.14 error since IIS didn’t seem to understand how to run an MVC website and was trying to perform a directory listing of the site root.

I found that I needed to enable HTTP redirection to get the site to work. I did this by performing the following steps:

Server Manager -> Roles -> Web Server -> Roles Services -> HTTP Redirection.

I found the answer in a stack overflow post about problems with MVC3 and IIS7:

This might be a useful addition to the getting started page:

Thanks Brett, I have added it to this page:


Hi Paul,

Your link doesn’t work, all I had to do was run this to install Asp .net 4

aspnet_regiis -i

Thanks, the updated link is here:
