Web Transforms - RemoveAll not matching any warning fails build

I have a transform that removes an assembly binding if it “escapes” beyond a development machine (a profiler that won’t/shouldn’t exist elswhere). I don’t really care if it isn’t matched (that’s preferable) but I there doesn’t seem to be a way to mark a transform as optional. Does anyone know how to get a build past the transform process with a warning level failure?

Hi James,

Thanks for getting in touch! You can add a variable to your project Octopus.Action.Package.IgnoreConfigTransformationErrors set to True and it will treat these as informational warnings in the logs, but not fail the deployment.

Hope that helps!

Hi James,

Sorry, I forgot to mention that this was added in 3.0.20 so will only be available in that or later versions, you didn’t specify which version you were using.

Warm Regards,