Web.config Transformation

Hi Pardhu,

Thanks for getting back to me,

f you’d like the SSRS server to not replace the connection string/username and password, you should be able to simply comment out the New-SSRSDataSource function call in the PowerShell to bypass.

I hope this helps!

Please let me know if I’ve misunderstood your query, I’ll get back to you ASAP. :slight_smile:

Kind Regards,


Hi Reece,

Thank you for the quick response. I have commented out the function call in the PowerShell script but code is clearing the reports folder completely and copying the files. I have set the “Clear the Report Folder” to ‘False’.

Commented Function call Image:

Thank you,

Pardhu Pillutla

Hi Pardhu,

I’m helping Reece with this support ticket.

Could you follow the step-by-step guide here to enable variable logging and send through the deployment log.

Could you also export your SSRS step template and send that to me as well, and also a screenshot of how you’ve configured the actual step in your deployment process.

I hope this will help us troubleshoot why it is clearing the report folder even though you’ve configured it to not clear it.

Thank you and best regards,

Hi Henrik,

Thanks for the reply! I have worked on that issue and found a bug in the PowerShell script. Below is the modifications which I have made. Please let me know if I’m wrong.

After the modification it was working fine!

#Clear destination folder if specified
if($ClearReportFolder) {
Clear-SSRSFolder -Name $ReportFolder

#Clear destination folder if specified
if([System.Convert]::ToBoolean("$ClearReportFolder")) {
Clear-SSRSFolder -Name $ReportFolder

Thank you,

Pardhu Pillutla

Hi Pardhu,

Great to hear that you got it working!

I’ll make sure to update the template in the Library.

Thank you and best regards,

Hi Henrik,

In SSRS deployment the script is considering warnings as errors. Any workaround for this issue? Please help me with this.

Thank you,

Pardhu Pillutla

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