'Wait for packages to be downloaded before running' is missing on some steps

I have several custom step templates that are used routinely. The interesting thing is that the ‘Wait for packages to be downloaded before running’ option isn’t available to all of them on all jobs. On some jobs its there, on others it’s missing.

Any ideas why?



Thanks for reaching out. Your question actually brought up a good discussion among some team members. In my undersanding, that option should only appear for non-package-based steps that are executed before a package step in your deployment process.

I’ve opened this github issue to start the investigation: https://github.com/OctopusDeploy/Issues/issues/2636

If you could send us a screenshot of your deployment process showing all the steps, and marking the ones where you expected to see the checkbox but it was missing, I’m sure that’ll help our investigation.

Best regards,


I believe I’ve isolated the confusion. Once I understood the rules for visibility around the package step, then I could adequately predict when I would and would not see this check box. As you point out below,
“that option should only appear for non-package-based steps that are executed before a package step in your deployment process” which is mostly correct. To further clarify this statement, if you have a group of child-steps that includes a package step, no steps in that grouping will have the checkbox.

Using this understanding, I went back through my jobs and verified all the steps.


Micheal Schexnayder

Thanks for the explanation Michael. I’m sure It’ll come in handy for the Dev that takes this issue :slight_smile: