Variables could not be evaluated because the variable 'OctopusPackageDirectoryPath' is cyclic

Hi All,

I faced a problem when setting up octopus steps for a project.
I need to create a step where the project deployment path will be located at the specified IIS path and its pre-created directory folder in the server.
I’m able to deploy the changes to DEV with the predefined variables in Octopus, However when trying to deploy to Stage (DEV and Stage shares the same server but different IIS path), the deployment fails and error is prompted as below:

Error: 015-04-13 06:05:19 ERROR System.Exception: Variables could not be evaluated because the variable ‘OctopusPackageDirectoryPath’ is cyclic: OctopusPackageDirectoryPath -> OctopusPackageDirectoryPath

Please refer to the attached screenshots.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Soong Yi

Hi Soong-yi,

Thanks for getting in touch! The variable name you are using is an internal Octopus Variable name also. I believe this is causing the issue for you. If you could rename your variable slightly this should resolve your issue.


Hi Vanessa,

Thanks for reply ! It’s working. However, i have another question here.

What if i want the deployment path to be deployed into a specified folder for different environment (DEV, QA). Because it seems to prompt an error when i insert two variables under the same field for destination folder field and IIS directory field.

Please refer to the screenshot.

Soong yi