"Value at Scope does not exist" when expanding Audit entries

I’m trying to view some Audit entries for a variable set. When I expand some of them, I’m getting an error: Value at Scope does not exist. The console has these logged:

Error occurred in doBusyTaskInternal logger.ts:9:34
    consoleWrapper logger.ts:9
    handleError BaseComponent.tsx:118
    h</n.prototype.provideErrorHandlingByName/this[t]/< BaseComponent.tsx:103
    a es6-promise.js:410
    N es6-promise.js:425
    I es6-promise.js:393
    M es6-promise.js:335
    g es6-promise.js:119

Object { message: "Value at Scope does not exist", name: "PatchConflictError", stack: "" }
    consoleWrapper logger.ts:9
    handleError BaseComponent.tsx:119
    h</n.prototype.provideErrorHandlingByName/this[t]/< BaseComponent.tsx:103
    a es6-promise.js:410
    N es6-promise.js:425
    I es6-promise.js:393
    M es6-promise.js:335
    g es6-promise.js:119

Error occurred in componentDidMount logger.ts:9:34
    consoleWrapper logger.ts:9
    handleError BaseComponent.tsx:118
    h</n.prototype.provideErrorHandlingByName/this[t]/< BaseComponent.tsx:103
    a es6-promise.js:410
    N es6-promise.js:425
    I es6-promise.js:393
    M es6-promise.js:335
    g es6-promise.js:119

Object { message: "Value at Scope does not exist", name: "PatchConflictError", stack: "" }
    consoleWrapper logger.ts:9
    handleError BaseComponent.tsx:119
    h</n.prototype.provideErrorHandlingByName/this[t]/< BaseComponent.tsx:103
    a es6-promise.js:410
    N es6-promise.js:425
    I es6-promise.js:393
    M es6-promise.js:335
    g es6-promise.js:119

I’ve noticed that all the recent entries expand fine, but older ones consistently fail. The borderline on which they start failing seems to be connected with a user that has been removed from our instance, as I’ve marked on the image below:

Octopus Cloud v2020.3.3.

Hi @jakub.januszkiewicz,

Thanks for getting in touch!

It looks like you’re running into this issue. Checking our issue list, I can see that this one has been moved from the backlog to the in-progress section. So, hopefully, we should have a fix for this soon.

You can monitor the status of the issue from the GitHub link.


Thanks for the quick reply and the GH link.
Just in case this helps, the error displayed in the UI looks different for me:

But this might be the same underlying problem if you say so :slight_smile:

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