Hi Octopus,
How do I use Windows Powershell DSC with Octopus Deploy? Do you know wehther this is possible; If so, can you point me to a sample example?
Currently we write powershell scripts as deployment steps in our Octopus project. However, we would like to incorporate DSC in our deployment process. It would be cool if Octopus can support this.
FWIW, its not super hard to do DSC with Octopus today. Keep in mind the newer DSC modules are pretty buggy (the ones that start with ‘x’ or ‘c’), so Octopus’ configuration scripts may be easier to use.
If you are still interested in this I can post some details on how to do it. I use DSC to install Windows Features and Configure IIS based on DSC stored in GIT.
Some examples of how to do DSC would be awesome, about how one would manage the configurations dynamically from each environment. That would be awesome!
Thanks for getting in touch. In 3.4 thanks to the implementation of our multi-tenancy feature, we’ll be adding all sorts of API endpoints that will ultimately help the way our DSC resource works. Once we implement that, we’ll most likely revisit our DSC documentation to include these changes.
Thank you very much! As I am not much of a developer, I can see the value
of using this just for PowerShell and DSC alone, as I have no idea how to
write programs and such. I’ll leave that to the smart guys
If you could provide a framework and more examples on how to use this with
PowerShell and/or DSC, that would be great!
Keep up the awesome work! I am not even a developer and I am excited with
this product!
I am trying to do a Powershell script, a DSC localconfig.
But when I run it, I keep getting issues with the path, it wants to place
it in the C:\Octopus\work%random% folder name. How do I find that random
name so I can call the set-dscconfigurationmanager cmdlet? i.e.
That’s perfect, I truly appreciate my email signature being posted. Maybe I should include my credit card #'s and social security number as well? Can a moderator or admin please remove that information ASAP?
Your email signature has been removed from your comments. I believe this is unavoidable if you reply straight from emails, so you might wanna try the forum instead.
Could you tell us a bit more of exactly what are you trying to do? Kind of hard to figure out with only that code snippet