Using 'Deploy a Package' how to deploy multiple .msi files (Nuget Package) on custom path


In Process (Add Step) I have used Template → Package → Deploy a Package option.

Using ‘Deploy a Package’ I can able to deploy single .msi file (Nuget Package) to custom folder path but when I try to include multiple .msi files in Nuget Package then it’s not working. The release went successfully without any error messages., it simply pushed .nupkg to ‘C:\Octopus\Files’ and stopped to extract content to my custom folder path. This is happening only if I include multiple .msi files in Nuget package.

Using Octopus Deploy I want to deploy multiple .msi files to custom folder. later I’ll use ‘Run - Windows Installer’ to install this .msi package.

I’m new to work with Octopus Deploy. can you please help me how can I achieve ?


Ok., It’s working now., I kept all .msi files into folder in Nuget package worked for me :slight_smile:


I’m glad you got this sorted. If I can help with anything else please let me know.
