Is it possible to use variable sets when creating machine policies? Example, if we want the health check to check if a list of windows services are running, we would have it grab the list of those services from a variable set.
Hi Corey,
Thank you for getting in touch. No it is not possible unfortunately. We are planning on building in monitoring functionality, but we do not have a firm time line on it yet.
When you deploy each service, you could drop a a file with the same name as the service in a known directory. The health check can then compare that directory to the running services.
If it is just for monitoring, you could create a project that did the checks for you and was scheduled to run at regular intervals. This would have the advantage of not making the machines un-healthy, allowing deployments to them to occur.
Robert W
For recurring tasks is this how it would have to be done?
I didn’t know you could run projects at intervals yet.
Hi Corey,
You would add a step (probably the first one) that queued the next deployment. Another way would be a timed Azure function.
Robert W