Use of sensitive variables in powershell scripts

We have our service user logins/passwords marked as sensitive in Octopus. However, we have to use those same variables in Powershell step templates. Sometimes for troubleshooting, we will write-host those values to the output for troubleshooting purposes. Is it possible to limit the release log output by user so only certain users can review octopus log files containing sensitive variables?

Hi Scott,

Thanks for getting in touch! We have specific permissions around task logs that would enable you to set it so only specific users can see this but it might not be as granular as you need (project or task based).
TaskViewLog is what controls the log viewing. But this includes things like health checks etc. If you give them TaskView they will be able to see the summary of the logs, like seen on the deployment screens but would not be able to see raw and detailed logs.


Vanessa, any word on when the next release of Octopus is going to drop? Anxiously looking forward to it.
scott mcfaddencritical technologies