Upgrading Calamari for Deployment Target failing


Upgrading Calamari for one of my Deployment Targets is failing. Could you provide any suggestions?

See log file attached.

ServerTasks-11343.log.txt (52.5 KB)


It looks like it’s actually the Tentacle upgrade that is failing.

Could you log on to the Tentacle server and grab the MSI log from C:\Octopus\Upgrade\20180312234450-6FQYT if it is still there (it should be).

Thank you and best regards,

Thanks Henrik log files are attached.

ExitCode-20180312234506-4ef43.log (6 Bytes)
UpgradeLog-20180312234506-ab964.log (922 Bytes)
UpgradeLog-MsiExec-d0d05435-2961-41ee-bbbf-c7efddd5034d.txt (2 Bytes)


So the error code from MSIEXEC is 1618 which happens when there is another instance of msiexec running (see this page), could you log on to the server in question and check if there is another instance of msiexec running (could be something else was being installed but that’s stuck).

Thank you and best regards,

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