Upgrade to 3.15.6 - An item with the same key has already been added

I upgraded our octopus server to the latest version today. This server is only used for multitenant deployments, but now we also want to use it for non tenant deployment, that was the reason of the upgrade.

But now our tenant pipeline are getting an error.

I’d attached some screenshot.


Thanks to your info and the report from another user I was able to reproduce this issue. I have created a github issue for it and we’ll work on it as a priority: https://github.com/OctopusDeploy/Issues/issues/3674

Apologies for the inconveniences caused by this.

Best regards,

Hi Pablo,

We just wanted to let you know that we’ve released Octopus Deploy 3.15.7 with a fix to the issue regarding ids and the API that you were experiencing.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused and thanks for reporting this so quickly.

After upgrading, if you are still experiencing any issues with this, please let us know asap.
