I am just doing a dry run and we get errors…
An unexpected error occurred when processing document with source ID ‘ServerTasks-21071’: An attempt was made to store 103 characters in the ServerTask.Description column, which only allows 100 characters.
Octopus.Core.RelationalStorage.StringTooLongException: An attempt was made to store 103 characters in the ServerTask.Description column, which only allows 100 characters.
and also lots of these…
Could not import Deployment “Deploy to Development (#31)” (deployments-3381)
Skipping VariableSet “” (variableset-projects-642-snapshot-1) because its dependencies were not satisfied
Skipping VariableSet “” (variableset-projects-642-snapshot-2) because its dependencies were not satisfied
Skipping VariableSet “” (variableset-projects-642-snapshot-3) because its dependencies were not satisfied
Skipping VariableSet “” (variableset-projects-674-snapshot-1) because its dependencies were not satisfied
I have installed the latest version now and did another run…
’Description’ must be between 0 and 200 characters. You entered 203 characters.1
Did not find source document Deployment with the ID ‘deployments-3064’, internal error1
Did not find source document Event with the ID ‘events-8337’, internal error1
Did not find source document ServerTask with the ID ‘ServerTasks-15576’, internal error1
Did not find source document ServerTask with the ID ‘ServerTasks-16391’, internal error1
Can you tell me which record had the Description issue and I’ll take another look at our field lengths to see whether we can adjust it.
The other errors are probably all OK: related to places where one document in Raven was deleted but others that were linked to it, that should have been deleted, were not.
If you’d like to send me the full log from the \Octopus\Logs directory I can double check for you. (email it to support@octopusdeploy.com).
I’ve also just hit this issue with a LibraryVariableSet Description length being too long in 3.0.3.
In the Octopus GUI, the description field is a nice big free form text field so I added example scenarios on how the variable set could be used and how to interpret the data etc bringing my description to nearly 1000 characters. The new SQL table seemingly arbitrarily limits this to 200 characters.
I don’t mind truncating the description length to make it fit in with the new world order, but I just need to know what steps I can take to to do this if the variable set failed to be imported from 2.6 to 3.0
2015-07-23 15:22:44.3184 1 DEBUG Converting LibraryVariableSet LibraryVariableSets-1 2015-07-23 15:22:44.3340 1 ERROR Error importing LibraryVariableSet 'IPAddresses' (LibraryVariableSets-1): 2015-07-23 15:22:44.3340 1 ERROR 'Description' must be between 0 and 200 characters. You entered 976 characters.
Vanessa, I tried the 3.0.4 update this morning and it didn’t work. I see Ian has moved issue 1751 back to a 3.0.5 milestone.
Is there any guidance on how I can proceed here? I don’t mind dropping the description to get the library set imported, but I’d love some guidance on how I can do this. Without this particular (very large) variable set I am unable to do any deployments and would have to rollback the whole installation to 2.6.
Never mind my last comment. I realise now that you are doing daily releases at the moment and have already dropped 3.0.5. I’ll give that a go on Monday.
Yes we are aiming for much faster releases now that we aren’t blocked by 3.0 and 2.6 differences and I was going to update these threads with ‘released in’ just haven’t gotten there yet.
But this is fixed in 3.0.5
Obviously we are just hitting the weekend, so nothing more til our Monday.