Update Octopus Variable Value

I am trying to update value of project variable in one task and trying to use the updated value in next task. What I did is:

  1. Create a TestVar and assign it 10 as defualt
  2. In one Powershell script Step I updated value to 20.
  3. In next step which is email step I try to pass this value, but it always pass default
  4. I also try to add new Powershell script step to print value it also gives me updated value.

Any better way doing this

What I did is just $TestVar=20 in PS step

Any idea

Sunil Bindra

Hi Sunil,

Thanks for reaching out.

What you’re running into here is that once a release is created, those variable values are set for that release and any changes you make to the variable won’t be reflected until the next time you create a release and deploy it.

I think in your case where you are trying to access the variable in a later step, you will want to use Output Variables. These will allow you to set a variable in one step, and retrieve that value in a later step of the same deployment.

Please let me know if that helps or if you have any questions.


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