Understanding the "Reset Values" option in the Helm Chart step

The “Upgrade a Helm Chart” step has a option called “Reset Values”. It has the following description:

When upgrading, reset the values to the ones built into the chart with those provided in the current deployment

The verbiage here is a bit confusing. I am going to break it down so hopefully I can get some clarification

When upgrading

This part is fairly clear. When we do an upgrade, this following statements apply.

reset the values to the ones built into the chart

This seems to indicate that selecting this option, will force the values to be only the ones that are actually in the chart. (The “to” in the “to the ones…” is the part that does that.)

with those provided in the current deployment

This seems to say the exact opposite to me. It says, “use the values I supply with the deployment”.

So, I am confused. Is this saying that it will use only what is in the values.yaml file? or does it mean it will use the values I supply with my deployment I am currently running?

Could I perhaps get a reworded or expanded explanation of this option?

Hi @OctopusSchaff,

That’s a good question! Really, all this is saying is that we’re using the --reset-values argument when we do the helm command on the CLI.

If you’re interested in further details, I found the following article does a great job of explaining how this works: Understand helm upgrade flags — reset-values & reuse-values | by Harry Cao | Medium

I hope this is helpful, but let me know if you have further questions.


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