After rebooting the server, we tried to start the Octopus service, but it’s not starting and throwing an error:
"The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion. "
In the event log, we found the following error:
Description: A .NET Core application failed.
Application: Octopus.Server.exe
Path: D:\Program Files\Octopus Deploy\Octopus\Octopus.Server.exe
Message: A fatal error was encountered. The library ‘hostpolicy.dll’ required to execute the application was not found in ‘C:\Program Files\dotnet’.
Failed to run as a self-contained app.
The application was run as a self-contained app because ‘D:\Program Files\Octopus Deploy\Octopus\Octopus.Server.runtimeconfig.json’ did not specify a framework.
If this should be a framework-dependent app, specify the appropriate framework in ‘D:\Program Files\Octopus Deploy\Octopus\Octopus.Server.runtimeconfig.json’.
Installed Octopus version :20201.1
Here is the content of the Octopus.Server.runtimeconfig.json file:
“runtimeOptions”: {
“tfm”: “netcoreapp3.1”,
“includedFrameworks”: [
“name”: “Microsoft.NETCore.App”,
“version”: “3.1.1”
“name”: “Microsoft.AspNetCore.App”,
“version”: “3.1.1”
The mentioned dotnet versions are installed in the servers.