Unable to Save process step due to invalid charachters


some recent change to OD is limiting the charachters that can be used to name a step.

I have two different steps:

[Azure] Step 1

[Azure] Step 2

Using the latest version I cannot save any steps due to the validation.

There was a problem with your request.
'[Azure] Step 1' contains invalid characters. Names can only contain letters, numbers, periods, commas, dashes, underscores or hashes.

'[Azure] Step 2' contains invalid characters. Names can only contain letters, numbers, periods, commas, dashes, underscores or hashes.

How can I update this?
Do I have to dig into the sql db?
Running v3.2.6


Thanks for reaching out. I’m sorry to hear you ran into this issue. As discussed on the 2 github issues below, since 3.2.6 we won’t allow having [ ] on the step names. This brought a rather undesirable effect with steps that already had those characters in their names prior to 3.2.6. The current workaround is to make the change straight on the SQL database. If you need help writing with the query, please let us know and we’ll be more than glad to give you a hand.

https://github.com/OctopusDeploy/Issues/issues/2166 (see Zentron’s comment here)

Apologies again for the trouble caused by this
