I have an application that I am trying to automate a step via Octopus Deploy. The tool I’m working with is WhereScape RED. While WSR isn’t the target platform for Octopus Deploy it was sort of forced on me to make fit for compliance purposes. I can execute the program, however when the program receives its command line arguments the way it functions is it opens up its GUI and calls the methods driven by said arguments. I can run the powershell script generated by Octopus Deploy (Bootstrap and GUID named script) by hand in an interactive session running as the same user (svcOctopusDeploy) and all of my files generate as expected, however when WSR’s med.exe is called by OctopusDeploy the program opens, sits for a couple seconds and exists (based on task manager). I have tried launching the application by way of start-process, ‘&’ operator, and creating a .bat file from the step template. Please help with any suggestions, is there anything I can check to see if the lack of interactiveness is the problem?
Thanks for reaching out. We discussed this ticket with the team and, sadly, we came to the conclusion that this will not be possible, as the Octopus Tentacle runs as a service without GUI.
Thank you for the reply, I guess I’d like to clarify some testing I’ve done at the request of the WhereScape support staff. I have been able to run this as a windows scheduled task with me logged out, so it appears as though there is a service/session type permission that needs adjusting given that the job ran as local system and Windows Task Scheduler also does not have a GUI to work with if you are running its jobs on a schedule with no separate logged in session.
Thanks for getting back with your findings! So the scheduled task approach worked? You can easily execute the scheduled task from a Powershell script using Octopus & Powershell. Is that a good enough approach for your process?
I found the Schedule Task only works when logged in. But this indicates it is an issue on the WhereScape side and likely a missing permission rather than an Octopus Deploy issue. I hope to get this working as it is kind of our hinge of a full enterprise purchase for OD as well as contributing a fair number of step templates back into the community so I’ve been working at this pretty hard to get this buttoned up as this WSR piece was kind of attached as a required caveat as I want to be using OD for .NET deployments anyhow.
Task Scheduler
1: If you change the task to Run whether user is logged on or not. and
2: Run with higest privileges
Windows Permissions
3: Put user in Local Admin Group
4: Increase quotas SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege
5: Logon as a service SeServiceLogonRight
6: Log on locally SeInteractiveLogonRight
I’m having issues launching Selenium Acceptance tests from the Octopus Tentacle. The tests run fun when executed from a command line. The user accounts have been checked as well. I’m about to try to run the Tentacle service in the interactive mode. Would that be even possible to run Selenium tests from the Octopus Deploy? Thank you.
The issue here is that Tentacle runs as a service, by default as the Local System user. It doesn’t have a desktop, or any UI. As far as i know, Selenium requires a web browser to work, so I suspect that’s just not going to work under Tentacle as a Windows service.
You could try running the service in Interactive mode, but you’d need to remain logged in to the session for it to work.