"Unable to find action ids on project" after deleted channel

After deleting a channel in a project I get this exception under Overview, Triggers and Channels:

Unable to find action ids [deffa686-90c2-437f-80fe-16866f4852fb] on project Projects-484
at Octopus.Server.Web.CanonicalActionNameMapper.GetNamesFromIds(String projectId, ReferenceCollection actionIds) in CanonicalActionNameMapper.cs:line 75
at Octopus.Server.Web.ResourceMapper.<>c__DisplayClass9_7.b__47(ChannelVersionRule rule) in ResourceMapper.cs:line 446

There were process steps using the channel that was deleted.
The build steps seem to have been lost.

Same/similar topic: Unable to find action ids on project
(And I’ll try the solution suggested there…)
My Octopus version is 3.13.6


Thanks for getting in touch! This feels to me like an issue that we have properly fixed in 2018.3.1. Are you in a position to upgrade to the latest version of Octopus?



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