Unable to deploy config in asp.net application

Hi Team,
I am facing difficulty while config transformation.My asp.net application has one web.config and multiple sub configs referred in web.config , please see attached config structure.few sub configs are environment specific for example connectionString.config, accountManagement.config and appsettings.config . these files should change in each environment. All env specific configs are kept in separate folder is part of nuget package as show in attached screenshot.
To perform config transformation i am using Configuration Transform and variable substitution features .
For this transform, i added one new config (web.release.config) on root of the website and copied all web.config and its sub config content to web.release.config file also replaced environment specific tag with octopus variable.
I am not sure whether it is correct way to do this transform.Please suggest . I am attaching my project config structure and log file.



ServerTasks-3309.log.txt (9 KB)

Hi Mohd,

Thanks for getting in touch! I’m very sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I ran this past the team and we were not entirely able to identify the exact issue or it’s cause here. Could you clarify exactly what is going wrong with the configuration files when you are deploying your app?

Could I direct you to our documentation on how Octopus handles configuration files and transformations? The information there if you have not yet seen it is very valuable.

I also have some further information on Configuration transformations that may be worth looking into.

Let me know if the links help or if you have any further information regarding your issue, I would love to help get your deployment running smoothly. :slight_smile:

Best regards,