Unable to create release from Azure DevOps

Hi, I’m trying to create an octopus release via the Azure DevOps Octopus Release task. I keep getting this error:

Octopus Deploy Command Line Tool, version 4.34.0

Handshaking with Octopus server: *****
Handshake successful. Octopus version: 2018.10.6; API version: 3.0.0
Authenticated as: ******
This Octopus Server supports channels
Finding project: Hugo
Building release plan for channel 'Master'...
Finding deployment process...
Finding release template...
The package version for some steps was not specified. Going to try and resolve those automatically...
Finding latest package for step: Deploy Package to Worker Pool
Selected 'Hugo.RawFiles' version '' for 'Deploy Package to Worker Pool'
Using version number from package step:
Release plan for Hugo
Channel: 'Master' (this is the default channel)
  #   Name                            Version            Source             Version rules          
  --- ------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------ -----------------------
  1   Deploy Package to Worker Pool   Latest available   Range: PASS Tag: PASS  

Creating release...
There was a problem with your request.

 - No package version was specified for Deploy Package to Worker Pool:Hugo.RawFiles

Error from Octopus server (HTTP 400 BadRequest)

Attempting to create the release in Octopus using the same package works fine. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Updating the task to version 3.0 and the updated 6.8.1 CLI tools seems to fix this issue.

Great to hear that the updated tools fixed this for you @DeepDuck!

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